Big/Little Gift Guide

The holidays are right around the corner! Finishing final exams, coordinating Christmas plans and stuffing your face full of mom’s homemade food (finally!) can be exhausting. It’s pretty tempting to shrug off the big/little gift exchange before the semester ends and promise to do it once classes start up. Finding the perfect present can be […]

Motivational Monday: The Final Stretch

Only one more week until final exams, yikes! In order to end the semester (and the year) on a high note, determination is a key factor in combatting that unmotivated “checked out” feeling. So keep on keeping on, and don’t lose sight of the prize. Here’s to the final stretch! What helps keep you motivated when the finish line is in […]

What Being in a Sorority Taught Me About Networking

During recruitment, potential new members are inundated with the all of the promises and benefits of sorority life – lifelong friendships, sisterhood and a support system in college just to name a few. But how many times do sorority women tell potential new members how joining will benefit their career…you know, what they’re actually in […]